Don’t just take our word for it, you can hear it directly from the end users. Sure, we could impress you with scientific facts and technical jargon about impact and chemical algorithm results and state-of-the-art test data coefficients, but why just listen to that when you can hear it from the operators, grunts and other warfighters who actually used our products in combat?
They geared/kitted up and went to the field where they marched, ran, jumped, crawled, crashed and endured. You listen to them and so do we. For years we’ve not only made great products, but we strived to make them better. Each success compounded to lead to even greater triumphs. All throughout the process we have been listening to the troops about what really matters to them and improving on those points.
Little by little, we got better and now, we’re the best. But we won’t stop there, we intend to keep on listening and improving. After all, you deserve better… and we’re here to give it to you. From the top brass decision makers to the industry reports and down to the newest privates, they’re all talking about how Delta Three Oscar™ is making lives better for the troops. Read our partners’ stories and hear what the people who know have to say about what we’re doing to keep them safer and more comfortable.